Keeping each other safe during COVID
Please visit our homepage and specific ministry pages to see how we are adapting our shared ministry to this challenge.

As a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we are connected to more than 7,000 congregations across the country and more than 60 million Lutherans around the world. Our connections enhance who we are. The ELCA is organized as interconnected expressions of the church, not as a hierarchy. Congregations, conferences, synods, and the national church are all faithful expressions of the church grounded in the teachings of Holy Scripture. Each expression makes its own decisions, performs those aspects of mission and ministry for which they are specially situated, and works together fully respectful of the sanctity of Christian conscience in each type of church expression.

The Congregation Council works with our pastor to set a vision for the ministry of St. Thomas and is made up of ten to twelve members who serve rotating three-year terms. Meetings of the full membership are held twice a year to elect lay leaders, approve the budget, and reflect together on mission, program, and property priorities.

Other committees of the congregation include:
Finance Committee
Mission Committee
Worship Committee
Aesthetics Committee
Youth Support Committee
Property Committee
Education Committee
Outreach Committee
Mutual Ministry Committee
Mission Endowment Fund Committee
Early Childhood Ministry
Stewardship Committee
Personnel Committee
Archives Committee