The Prayers of the People
At worship each Sunday, the Prayers of the People include petitions for the church, peace among nations, care of creation, healing, the saints, and other matters of concern to the members. A list of people who have requested prayers is kept and all are lifted up in prayer. To place a name on the prayer list, please contact the Parish Administrator. A small table just inside the entrance to the worship space provides an opportunity to add people and situations to the day’s prayers.

St. Thomas Prayer Chain
For those who desire a less public offering of prayer, the St. Thomas Prayer Chain prays daily for those who have asked for prayer. To place someone on the prayer chain, please contact the Parish Administrator.

prayer garden

St. Thomas Prayer Garden and Labyrinth

You are welcome to visit the Prayer Garden and Labyrinth.

The idea of a prayer garden began with a member’s desire for a quiet place outside for prayer and meditation. In 1990, a site was identified just south of Heritage Hall and the steeple from the first church was selected as a meaningful and lovely centerpiece. Members and friends designed and established the garden, which has continued to expand over the years. The prayer garden is on the south side of the building and includes a waterfall, pond, patios, benches, sculpture, a columbarium, and a scatter garden. The St. Thomas Community Garden, up on the hill behind the church building, has a small labyrinth and benches for quiet prayer.